Cat Photos
Click here to view more cat photos.
Cat Lists
Things cats love:
- cat nip
- laser pointers
- lasagna
Top 3 things cats hate:
- cat nip
- laser pointers
- lasagna
- cat nip
- laser pointers
- lasagna
Cat Photos
Click here to view more cat photos.
Cat Lists
Things cats love:
Top 3 things cats hate:
Cat Photos
Click here to view more cat photos.
Cat Lists
Things cats love:
Top 3 things cats hate:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h2>Cat Photos</h2>
<!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
<p>Click here to view more <a target="_blank" href="<>">cat photos</a>.</p>
<a href="<>"><img src="<>" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."></a>
<h2>Cat Lists</h2>
<h3>Things cats love:</h3>
<li>cat nip</li>
<li>laser pointers</li>
<img src="<>" alt="A slice of lasagna on a plate.">
<figcaption>Cats <em>love</em> lasagna.</figcaption>
<h3>Top 3 things cats hate:</h3>
<li>flea treatment</li>
<li>other cats</li>
<img src="<>" alt="Five cats looking around a field.">
<figcaption>Cats <strong>hate</strong> other cats.</figcaption>
<h2>Cat Form</h2>
<form action="<>">
<legend>Is your cat an indoor or outdoor cat?</legend>
<label><input id="indoor" type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor" value="indoor" checked> Indoor</label>
<label><input id="outdoor" type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor" value="outdoor"> Outdoor</label>
<legend>What's your cat's personality?</legend>
<input id="loving" type="checkbox" name="personality" value="loving" checked> <label for="loving">Loving</label>
<input id="lazy" type="checkbox" name="personality" value="lazy"> <label for="lazy">Lazy</label>
<input id="energetic" type="checkbox" name="personality" value="energetic"> <label for="energetic">Energetic</label>
<input type="text" name="catphotourl" placeholder="cat photo URL" required>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
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