reference: CSS linear-gradient() function (
element { background-image: linear-gradient(_DIRECTION_, _COLOR-1_ _POSITON-1_, _COLOR-2_ _POSITION-2_, _ETC_);}
– note that direction, color, and position are just my own arbitrary names for the values –
arguments (comma separated)POSITION
is optional - it specifies how far into the gradient this color should start. if not specified, the gradient is just split evenly between each of the colors listed.COLOR
are separated only by a spaceDIRECTION
is written either in words like to bottom left
or in degrees like 90deg
to bottom
! it looks like 0deg
is equivalent to to top
equals to top
- 90deg
equals to right
- 180deg
equals to bottom
- 270deg
equals to left
element { background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(_DIRECTION_, _COLOR-1_ _POSITON-1_, _COLOR-2_ _POSITION-2_, _ETC_);}
above, but in this case, it only generates a gradient as long as the last POSITION
given, and then it fills up the rest of the space by tiling the same gradient over againlinear-gradient
Tryit Editor w3schools: repeating linear gradient
to make a hard edge between two colors (aka solid stripes!), list the same position for both colors
#grad5 { background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, red 0px, red 10px, yellow 10px, yellow 20px);}