- p5.js is a JavaScript-based variation of the Processing language, which is a coding language designed for the arts
basic program structure
- initialize global variables at the top, outside of a function
- setup() runs once at load time
- draw() runs 60 times per second to redraw the canvas and recalculate values
- aside from global variables, all your code should pretty much be either in setup or in draw—or in a helper function that gets called by one of those
drawing shapes on canvas
- first call an attribute function to set features of the shape you wanna draw, then call a shape function to draw it
- createCanvas(width, height) - call at the beginning of setup generally
- background(color) - call at the beginning of draw if you’re working with objects that should move; if you’re trying to draw lines via movement, then call it in setup instead?
- rect(x, y, width, height)
- ellipse(x, y, width, height)
- line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- shapes reference
- fill(red, green, blue) - each value from 0 to 255
- noFill() - takes no arguments
- stroke(red, green, blue) - each value from 0 to 255 - outline color