course info

course site: Free Web Development Bootcamp | Class Central Cohorts

date started: June 11, 2022

completion goal date: February 8, 2024

quick links





questions to ask (HTML/CSS)

front end glossary

CSS notes

HTML notes (messy)



lesson 4: registration form

lesson 6: flexbox photo gallery

lesson ??: balance sheet


learning how to learn

final code from tutorials

1: cat photo app final code

2: cafe menu final code

3: colored markers final code

4: registration form final code

5: rothko painting final code

6: flexbox photo gallery final code

7: nutrition label final code

8: accessibility quiz final code

9: balance sheet final code

10: picasso painting final code

11: responsive piano final code

12: city skyline final code

13: magazine final code

14: animation final code

15: penguin final code

my projects!!

project 1: survey form

project 2: tribute page

project 3: technical documentation

project 4: product landing page

project 5: portfolio

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